Him Lam International School Bac Ninh is committed to providing an inclusive environment where all students, regardless of their abilities or disabilities, receive equal educational opportunities. The school ensures that students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) are supported to achieve their full potential through modified curriculums, learning support services (LSS), and Individual Educational Plans (IEPs).
The LSS provides customised support based on individual needs. Services include time management strategies, study skills, and emotional support, along with dedicated rooms and resources for learning support and counselling.
* as per the School’s Financial Policy, this may incur an additional fee.
Teachers identify students with learning difficulties and refer them to the SEND/Inclusion Team for further intervention. Consent from parents and school leadership is required before additional measures, such as counselling or external evaluation, are taken.
Parents are encouraged to participate actively in the process, attending regular meetings to review their child’s progress. Collaboration between the school and parents ensures that each student receives the necessary support.
For a full version of the Inclusion Policy, please contact the School’s SPC Department.
Other safeguarding policies: