Here is the weekly class report of our current PYP class, for the first week after Tet Holiday.
During Language Arts, we covered the unit of “All About Me”, in this unit we discussed with our students what makes a family. Some ice breakers were used to help the class to get to know each other, and develop a healthy sense of self.
Our students had lots of fun creating a worksheet about their favorite food, favorite color, and drawing themselves and members of their families.
Our Language Arts class ended with Storytime, where students listened to a story, then had to answer questions, and also make connections to the story that was read.
During our STEM class, we discovered different body parts. Students had lots of fun doing some dancing to exercise different body parts. Later students did some worksheets to place the correct name of specific body parts. At the end of the lesson, students could correctly name and label body parts.
Stay tuned for our class weekly updates!